Routes For Sale

FedEx Routes – Southwestern Georgia

  • Price: $1,695,000
  • Down Payment: $1,695,000
  • Weekly Net: $9,440
  • Location: Georgia
Route Description:


FedEx Routes

Southwestern Georgia

Consider owning and operating a successful, existing and licensed FedEx Route Business. You will have the continued support, backing and branding of FedEx. Their well known brand of shipping and delivery services are very popular with businesses and consumers alike which will continue to add value to this business.


PRICE: $1,695,000

Owner Reported Net: $491,000


All Drivers & Manager in Place

All Vehicles Free & Clear

SBA Eligible

Call Mr. Route SunStates at (888) 620-9806 for complete details.

For more information, click here.

Owning FedEx Routes

Since 1998
FedEx has been using the contractor model since 1998 and many route owners have found success in this industry. Owning a FedEx Route is a great opportunity for those looking to sustain their own businesses within the support structure of a larger system.

How FedEx Contractors Work
Each contractor negotiates an individual contract with FedEx which governs the structure and amount the contractor will be paid. The contractor is responsible for its employees, payroll, insurance, vehicle maintenance and many other aspects of the business. They are also responsible for meeting FedEx standards and following FedEx regulations.

Benefits of Owning a FedEx Route
Owners of FedEx Routes have the benefit of being business owners without having to worry about marketing or advertising. Since demand for deliveries is on the rise, the business can focus on fulfillment without worrying about customer demand. FedEx pays contractors on a weekly basis so revenue is predictable and there is no need to pursue delinquent clients and unpaid invoices.

Explore our listings to discover the variety of name brand and other opportunities Mr. Route SunStates has available.

Call Mr. Route SunStates at (888) 620-9806 for complete details.

Contact Us

A family and employee owned business that treats you like family, Mr.Route is your route to success. We're proud to set the industry standard with the lowest commissions and shortest listings. For friendly service, excellent advice and routes available as early as next day, call any time to talk to the best professionals in the business for a free consultation.

If you are thinking about the purchase or sale of a route business, and need your questions answered, please call. We offer speedy results and, of course, a free consultation!

Contact us anytime at any of the phone numbers or addresses listed below.